Joy And Sorrows Go Hand On hand In Life
No state or condition of life is permanent or unchanging. Life is a mixture of ups and downs,trials and tribulations, pains and pleasure. One should, therfore learn to take life in a calm and dignified manner. We should learn to be humble in times of prosperity and grateful in times of adversity. Riches or joys should not turn our head; nor should adversity , misery or poverty dishearten or discourage us. Things do not remain the same forever. Joys and sorrows revolve like a wheel in life. Life is a vale of tears interspected with episodes of happiness. Every night is followed by a day. One must realize that darker the night, nearer is the dawn. Every cloud , they say, has a silver lining. Man must go on his duty without caring for reward. Reward may be delayed, but it cannot be denied. We must plough our fields and dig the earth; the hidden treasure will come to us even without knowing it. Winter is a season of dullness and desolation; but soon followed by the spring which s...
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